Friday, November 7, 2008

Deconstruction, Depression and DotA

Dear Reader,

This article will be given in three segments.


Change is inevitable. But sometimes that change is not for the better.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

OK. There are too many problems with this blog that it is a mystery to how I'm not doing anything to fix it. Those problems are :

1) Many people are taking that whole black look.
2) The blog title is inaccurate. Simplicity might not be supreme, because it is intricacy that is highly revered, works for everybody (intricate systems, compared to blunt straight forward systems) and also amazes people how everything is interdependent.
3) I feel that the blog title is a bit... well... uncool. Ha ha.
4) The "Oost" inferno in me is now but a dying ember.

So, there will be deconstruction of the SIS 2.0 trainwreck.
I think it was a trainwreck because I am very unsure of what I want somethimes. Though, there are some things of which I'm certain I want.

(cough cough)
(wink wink)
(knock knock)

The blog title will be changed, and so will the blogspot address. The whole site itself will be deconstructed, reassembled, modified, upgraded, improved and perfected (to my liking).

Yet again, please adapt to the changes I will be making.
Out with the in, old with the new! I mean out with the old, in with the new!

>Supremacy in Simplicity
>Supremacy in Simplicity 2.0 : The Oost Revolution

The blogspot address will be effective 15 November 2008.


Depression. The one word that can describe me now in this moment in time.

Mind: Uh-oh! EMO Content!

Shut up, mind!

Right. My devastation is fueled by the very bitter fact that the old collaboration, "The Three Stoodges" (mispelling intended) will soon really be broken. One of us is moving.

My best bud.

Now this raises two things:
a) I thought you weren't friends anymore.
b) It's only moving. It's nothing out of the ordinary.

Number one, yes, we are friends. Number two, the guy's moving to Canada.

Ok, fine. Not Canada, but still. We won't be able to see each other on a regular basis. I already know his reply to me should I say this to him. I don't care, it's still depressing.

He's moving by the end of November. Sure we've had our share of fights, but what are friends for then right? Friends stick with you through thick and thin. They should, at least.

You know, I could just keep on complaining and feel depressed about this, OR, I could savour every last second left that I have with him before he goes. I think I'll do the latter.

DotA (Defence of the Ancients)

Woo! This game rocks!

Eventhough for my first few tries I TOTALLY got OWNED, PAWNED, and totally became a feeder, it's still awesome!


See? I'm brave enough to admit it. Hah!

Ok. This is the sitch for my second try:

Team 1 : A few normal players
Team 2 : 2 psycho pro players, and me. LOL

Normal settings.

A few events:

1) Feeling rather valiant, I storm off toward The Scourge, alone. Not long later, all players hear "FIRST BLOOD!". Guess who died? *sigh*

2) I buy three +5 hp regeneration per second rings, but still manage to die enough times to earn a 45-second respawn time period.

3) I became a total feeder.

4) Every time I try dueling with another player, I always die. (hence, became a total feeder)

5) I held out, quite OK, and destroyed a tower (at least la something right?).

6) After the first game, we started a second one. I got a few "you were ok's" from the others, but I'm not sure if they were being sarcastic.

Whatever. At least I know I'm still a noob. And anyway, we shouldn't pick on newbies. I mean sure, pros are much more experienced and better players than noobs, but we all start somewhere right? Everyone WAS a noob.

What I'm basically trying to say is "Stop it with the name-calling jacks!".


That's all for now. Salams.


  1. Dude, you shouldn't have changed your URL. All of your international readers won't be able to see your blog if they didn't know about the change of URL. In fact, I only found out the change on the 15th!


  2. Although I highly doubt I have ANY international readers let alone more national readers than I can count with one hand, I must say, good point.

    But, the new URL stays!

  3. That sucks dude, hopefully you'll feel better later on.
