Friday, July 11, 2008

Random Awkwardness, Awkward Randomness

Dear Reader,

Oh my god... It's sure has been awhile hasn't it? I have so much to say, I can't say it all.
Let me start with a few thoughts:
"If everyone had spider powers, there would be a lot of web-shooting at rock concerts"
"Jack Black is white, Barry White is black"
"Shallow is dumb, but deep is gothical"

Oh, right. There was the scouts camp. An awesome 3-day 2-night stay in ONE tent for SIX people, not to mention overloading LUGGAGE, within the school compound. Ah... It wasn't that bad. It wasn't bad at all. Actually, it was pretty fun. Yeah... I guess it was. Had a cool time with friends, got an awesome experience, learned a few things (like respect, discipline, not to mention a few songs and claps), went through an extremely fun obstacle course, tried basic cooking, sorta, and etc etc. Now that I think about it, one more day wouldn't have been too bad.

I passed 3 tests by the way, for the tenderfoot badge, that is. (yes, i still haven't gotten it yet). Some people got it at the end of camp.

I think the best part of the camp was MK (malam kebudayaan). Oh yeah, this is what most people would look forward to. Every patrol has to do 2-3 performances which are drama, patrol cheer and dancing.

You had to be there, seriously. There were really cool performances. Right now, you're thinking, c'mon, it's LuqCrusher, he would say anything was really cool. Well, I blame myself for constantly exaggerating but this isn't. Some scouts had recorded some of'em on their handphones so don't be surprised to find any on YouTube.

Of course, ours, wasn't too cool. Er... well, it was actually the worst of all. The audience was just quiet the whole time. We didn't have a good script and our spontaneousness was at an all time low. Pretty much a failure. (am I a jynx to dramas? Cause this sounding awfully similar to "Drama of the Malay Drama") Next to that, our cheer was okay and dance was... abysmal.

Oh my, I can't believe I'm still thinking about it. Not MK, the camp, I mean. It's been like a week, and July tests are in a few days. I guess you can never really forget something as memorable as that. Oh crap, that reminds me. What I am I doing? I shouldn't be typing this, I should be hitting the books! Oh well, as procrastinator-me would say, "I'll do it later".

Well EURO's long over, and guess who won? Oh yeah, Spain won and you know it! In your face! Unless you're a Spain fan; and/or is one of those 10,000 people who swore to shave their heads bald if Spain win (hope you like saving for shampoo and hairspray). Originally, I was a French, then slightly a Turk, but my sis 'converted' me to a Spaniard.
So there was EURO, Olympics' in 28 days, and Malaysia's fighting Chelsea FC in 20 days. They should call this year 'Sports Year'.

Hm... Nothing else random and/or awkward is going through my mind, so I guess I'll end it here.

That's all for now. Salams.

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