Friday, May 8, 2009

A & B - Debating

Dear Reader,

A and B on :

A : Debating. How do people debate? Or how does debating work?
B : You should start with "what is debating" and explain the definition of 'debating'.
A : Shut up you, this my segment. You'll get yours later.
B : Just 'cause it's your segment doesn't mean I can't constructively criticize.
A : Yes it does! You can do that afterwards. This is my time to shine. Now just stay quiet.
B : *touchy*.
A : Silence! Ok, where was I? Oh right. How do you debate? Well, let me give you an analogy. There's an invention competition. There's a theme in what you and your opponent should invent. You both make two decent inventions. Your opponent flaunts his newly completed machine with such arrogance and overconfidence. Now this your job. First, blindfold your opponent.
B : What?!
A : Shut up! I know what I'm talking about. Then, deconstruct his invention.
B : Wouldn't that be against the rules?
A : I said be quiet!
B : Alright fine. I'm just curious to see where this is going.
A : You'll see. Next, completely obliterate the main central core of the machine with your invention. After that, mockingly 'attempt' to put the pieces back together, which would be useless since it has no core. And finally, take the blindfold off your opponent, and let him 'admire' his newly 'modified' invention, or hunk of junk. Oh, and savour his face when he sees it. Ooh... Just feel the satisfaction! And that, everybody, is how you debate!
B : What?! What the heck?! Since when does vandalising your opponent's invention in an invention competition, which should clearly be against the rules, have anything to do with debating?!
A : The competition is the debate.
B : Huh?
A : The competition is the debate. The theme of the competition is the the topic of the debate. The inventions are the points. What one does to win a debate is deconstruct his or her opponents point, destroy its entire base with his or her own point, and let the opponent, in a way, fall into the vicious black hole of shame which used to be his point.
B : Oh... I see. Wait, what's the deal with the blindfold?
A : Two reasons for the blindfold. Firstly, you must strike the opponent precisely when he doesn't see it coming. You must discreetly veil his eyes from sensing the coming disaster. Make him feel safe, and he'll present his point confidently. Secondly, you must do it in such a way that at the time, he does not have a rebuttal, or in the form of the analogy, he does not know how you deconstructed his invention, and so, cannot fix it at the time. He might know how to do so later, but it would have already been too late. What's the point of knowing later when you should know it now? The essence of the blindfold is too disorientate the person so he might panic and not be able to counter-attack.
B : Oh... Hm. What about savouring the face?
A : That's just being a little evil. You should practice being devious once in a while.
B : Haha, right... Very interesting method of laying out your presentation.
A : And you thought I didn't know what I was talking about. In your face! Beat that.
B : I would, but I can't.
A : What do you mean you can't?
B : I mean "I can't" because I really am not capable.
A : Why in blazes would you not be capable of presenting your opinion on the topic?!
B : You want to know why?
A : Yes! I want to know why! Why else would I ask?
B : You really want to know why?
A : Yes! Oblige me with your so-called reason!
B : Are you sure?
A : Nope! Totally not! I'm just yelling here like a madman for fun! La la la la la! Don't mind me, I'm just a madman!
B : Alright, fine, I'll tell you. Just stop being sarcastic.
A : What is it then?
B : It's the end of the blog post.


Peace. Love. Joy.

1 comment:

  1. COOL!!!nice man!!ur kinda like d fun,frendly,nt cocky version of my lil couz XD
