Thursday, June 12, 2008

She Caught The Tantrums I Threw and Returned Them To Me As Mango Pudding

Dear Reader,

Hi. Me, yet again. Yes. Me. Yet again.

I don't know what's wrong.
It would seem that I am more of an avid blogger than I expected. I usually check every other day and hope to god for comments. I guess I don't give the public enough time to do so.

How long has it been since my last entry? Sheesh! Get a life! I guess I'm still new at this. Still fresh. Still, all, *^excited^*.

Hm? Oh. You're asking me about the weird title? Nothing much really. Just some awkward randomness that I understand is quite 'in' nowadays. With the whole,
"you shot me through my kidney, I called out for horses, they were busy reading books that slit the throat of a thousand stars, and the belly flooped the fate of the dying world, melting,
melting till the ashes of the night come staggering into my other kidney."

And just like formaldehyde too. I don't know what it is about this chemical that is so attractive to artists that they have to include it in their songs. It's just a disinfectant\preserving chemical. I guess people want a different 'flavour' rather than your average John and Jane Doe singing the three words over and over again.

Oh yeah, speaking about different flavours, sometimes I think that we all have the same tastes. All of us. We all like the same food, colour, clothes, sports, etc. The thing that I would say makes us all different in our interests is probably how we experience things. Your blue, might be my green. Your classical might be my jazz. Your very hard might be my pushover. Heck, your taste of lasagna might be my taste of mango pudding. (yes, I like mango pudding, very much as a matter of fact.)

So if you like the colour of your green, and I like the colour of my blue, these two colours might actually be the same. Basically, we all like, love and hate all the same things, but experience them differently. Well, it's just a theory, and it can't be tested empirically. Heck, it can't even be tested at all!

Anyway, thanks for reading and please comment. I'm not desperate, but would just like to know that there are people out there who are listening.

Oh yeah. One more thing. Go Spain for EURO!

That's all for now. Salams.


  1. One reason why methanal* (not to be confused with methanol) is attractive is due to the toxic nature of the chemical compound. Inhaled methanal causes difficulties in breathing, a lot like chloroform, but more severe and fatal.

    *Methanal is the systematic name of formaldehyde. It also goes by many common names including formalin and paraform.

  2. Abang Lutfi, no offense, but I don't think Luqman (or anyone, for that matter) wanted to have a lecture about methanal.

    Cool piece of info, BTW.
