Tuesday, August 18, 2009

1 Set of Trials Done, 1 More to Go, And then The Real Shabang!

Dear Reader,

*sighs of relief*

I'm just so glad I'm done with the first set of PMR trials. Phew!
Time for a little break...
As you could have already guessed, I've been busy with them, so that's why no new post had been born in awhile.
Well then, this one's already out, crying and covered in blood, so let's cut the umbilical cord!

"Mind : Dude, seriously?
Other Part of Mind : Yes. Seriously."

OK, so what's been shaking lately? Well, for one, I've been composing a story. Yes, that's right. A story. It's about this boy named Jackie that makes friends with a snail named Charlie. After a series of events, the two find themselves in the middle 0f a battle between the Mushroom Man and the evil Panda, Pandora.
If you've heard me tell you the first or second version of the story, well then yeah, the original story has been drastically changed. It might even go through another process of modifications as I brainstorm or get inspiration.

Oh, I've also been playing around with Adobe After Effects. Here, check this out:

I'm burning up Chakra. In my kain pelekat. Haha lol.

My sister's 23rd Birthday passed by recently. I didn't get her a proper card or a present since I was busy with my trials. Instead, I got her a piece of stapled scrap-paper as a card, saying 'Happy Birthday". Lol. Man, was she 'surprised' and obviously disappointed...
Sorry Kak Lubna. Maybe this weekend?

Well, 'til the next time.

Peace. Love. Joy.


  1. Luqman...Are you sure you're burning chakara in ur kain pelekat? It looks like you photoshop or something....got you ...lol...hahahahahahaha btw this is Tc
