Friday, April 3, 2009


Dear Reader,

My class has so many nicknames for so many people.
Can you tell me who these people are?


All of these names have their origins. Really weird origins.

For instance, barney-ursula got his name 'cause he's a librarian, and has to wear purple everyday.
Other than that, 3.5 Gary got the '3.5' because, if I'm not mistaken, a group of people were asking crazy questions to each other, and then finally asked him how long his 'thing' was. He thought they were asking him a maths question and confidently answered '3.5'. Lol.
Dugong got his name because of the 'cerpen' (short story) called Dugong. For some reason, he found it really entertaining to say the word dugong and call other people dugong. In the end, we call him dugong.

But, some nicknames have origins that are just plain random.
Like HentaiMan.
It was Dugong who gave HentaiMan his name. Reason? Unknown. Probably he was just tired of people calling him Dugong, he wanted to call somebody else something else.
And like Lumen.
All of a sudden, Ariel (name not given yet at the time) walks up to him, hugs him, and calls him Lumen.
That's when Lumen came up with Ariel, by minusing one letter from Ariel's real name.

You see?

Anyway, I have a challenge for you. Reply in the comments' box for naming all the people's real name, and you'll get a 'prize'. It's a 'surprise'.

By the way, I have an announcement to make:

Attention 3 Meranti!
Keep making more nicknames!

Thank you.

Peace. Love. Joy.

P/S : Like I said to TC in my last post, don't kill me. =)

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